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The Brighton Mole Catcher

brighton mole control expert

Local Mole Control £150

Are you having problems with a mole ruining your garden?

Don’t panic – Call the Brighton mole catcher today for a no mole no fee guaranteed service.
The only effective way to control a mole problem is to catch them using professional mole traps. These are placed in the mole runs underground out of harms way.

large mole hills on lawn

How Many Moles Do I Have?

Moles are solitary animals but will meet up during the breeding season which runs from March to August. During this period you may have more than one mole in the same tunnel network.
A single mole is capable of producing 10 – 15 moles hills per night depending on the soil conditions.

Your Local Mole Control Service In Brighton!

mole caught in a trap

Brighton Mole Control 7 Days A Week

My Brighton mole catcher service is available 7 days a week and I am happy to work around you.
The period of mole control varies but most moles are caught within 48 hours leaving you to enjoy your garden again!

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